I am simultaneously so glad you found my resources and so heartbroken that you (or someone you love) have been affected by this disorder. Parosmia can feel unbearable at times, but it is much more manageable within a community of people who understand. You'll find all the best resources I've gathered linked below.



Track Your Safe Foods & Triggers

Keeping a list of what works and what sets you off will help you feel a lot less crazy and help you narrow down what you can eat.

My parosmia-friendly cookbook and lifestyle guide delivered instantly to your inbox in a print-worthy PDF full of embedded links for quick and convenient navigation.


from my heart to yours

One foot in front of the other

If you're reading this, you're probably looking for a lifeline. I remember my early days - before I met anyone else who had such a debilitating case, before I even knew what Parosmia was called. I felt alone, insane, overwhelmed and hopeless. I was terrified that my distorted senses might last forever, and I couldn't imagine what I'd do if they never healed. I searched the Parosmia hashtag on Instagram in the Spring of 2021, and three posts came up. As I'm writing this today, there are over 11,000. There was hardly anyone talking about Parosmia back then, and I felt completely isolated and unheard. I had just given birth for the first time, was nursing a newborn around the clock and was hardly sleeping or eating anything at all. I can't imagine being more physically miserable.  In August of 2021, I hit rock bottom emotionally. I was losing weight rapidly and honestly didn't know how I was going to survive. I started sharing more openly about what I was going through, and the first reel I made about my Parosmia went viral. Over 6 million people saw the first reel I shared about my condition, and I gained over 20,000 followers in a couple weeks' time. All that to say...you are definitely not alone. There is a large community of people who understand exactly what you're going through. Don't give up. Don't lose hope. There are more and more stories of recovery being shared every day.